Tips to work from home during coronavirus outbreak

The Art of Remote Working and Being Productive

The Art of Remote Working and Being Productive: 5 Tips for Keeping Your Job During Coronavirus Pandemic The new trend in the face of the Corona Virus outbreak for companies and firms have been empl...

technologyWhat is 5G? What we Know About The Next Generation Network

What is 5G? What we Know About The Next Generation Network

Every so often, the tech world develops a game-changing innovation. This time around, 5G is taking all of our attention, and it will hold it for a long time. As usual, you know about 5G being the n...

VoltaYou Know it’s Hard to Say Goodbye to Your First Love - Volta 1.0

You Know it’s Hard to Say Goodbye to Your First Love - Volta 1.0

When did you meet your first love? For most people, the answer is High School. Most importantly, are you still with your first love? Our first loves will forever be dear to us, and we will never fo...

GamingGoogle Stadia vs Apple Arcade

Google Stadia vs Apple Arcade

Gaming is not all about competition, it is more about building connections. In a world that is being digitized at warp speed, less and less human connection and relationships are built and maintain...

2019 Android PhonesGoogle Pixel 4 Has Charging Issues - Here's How to Fix it

Google Pixel 4 Has Charging Issues - Here's How to Fix it

When the Google Pixel 4 phones were announced in October and released a little over a week after, there were high expectations from most people. Truth be told, some of the promised features in the ...

AccessoriesThis is Why Your Smartphone Charges Slowly

This is Why Your Smartphone Charges Slowly

It can be insane when you have to charge your phone for 7 hours before you can get 85%. In this age where various fast charging technologies can get your phone from 0-50% in just thirty minutes, y...